Monday, October 29, 2007

My Favorite Season is Here

Fall is by far my favorite season, and I've been making the most of it. Last weekend Tyson and I went and stayed with some friends in their log cabin in the mountains of North Carolina. The trees were in full color, and it was BEAUTIFUL! We had a great time of relaxing, eating great food, being spiritually refreshed, and drinking in the beauty of God's magnificent art work. We went for a 5 mile hike in the mountains along the Blue Ridge Parkway while we were there. We saw streams, rivers, trees, and SNAKES (a big one that slithered right in front of us on the trail). See the picture below.

This is the view from the front porch of Scott and Becky's cabin.

Here we are on our hike. There was a pretty little stream behind us, but we accidentally stood in front of it for the picture, oops.

Take a close look and you will see the snake we came across. I promise it was bigger than it looks in this picture.