Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Highlights from my Texas visit

It seems like this summer is just flying by. My trip to Texas was jam packed with the big trip to New York squeezed right in the middle, but of course it was great to see family and friends. I hear Kyler is still talking about New York on a daily basis. We truly had a wonderful time. He did so well to be completely out of his comfort zone and in such a new environment.

I went to visit my grandpa while I was home. He is 84 now. It was great to visit with him. He recently had a stint placed in his heart and I think it's really making a difference.

My nieces are a hoot! Little Khloe follows her big sister around and wants to do everything she sees her doing. They are both so sweet and fun to play with.

I am back in Raleigh and enjoying taking some time off. I have been working on my photography and I'm taking my first class beginning in September. It's once a week for three hours plus field trips. I can't wait!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Good bye New York

Hi, this is Kyler. I can't wait to come home and see ya'll. New York is a nice place, but nothing's better than home. I miss ya'll, but I've had a blast. We did alot of stuff: The Empire State Building, The Statue of Liberty, we rode a taxi, went to Times Square, and did lots of other stuff. I can't wait come back home and tell everyone all about it.



Sunday, July 08, 2007

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An NYPD police officer let Kyler pet his horse in Times Sqaure

Kyler enjoying some New York pizza
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This was a fun camera trick I thought of. We tried to make it look like he was grabbing the building.
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Climbing on rocks at Central Park
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Kyler preparing sanck trays at the soup kitchen

Handing out lunches to people.
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Day 3 in the Big Apple

It's actually Day 4 as I type this, but I'm going to update you guys on yesterday (day 3). Once again we had a day that was full to overflowing with new experiences for Mr. K.
We started off at about 10am heading to the bus stop and taking a city bus down to Mt. Zion church in Bay Ridge Brooklyn to help feed the homeless. We prayed for the people there as we walked to the bus stop. I shared with Kyler that Jesus said when we do something for "the least of these" it's like we're doing it for Jesus. This time brought us both great joy and excitement. Kyler fit right in and wasn't shy at all about helping. The people there loved it and thought it was great that a 7 yr. old boy was there serving the homeless.

After that it was off to central park for a picnic with our friends Paul, Kyle, Abigail, and Aidan. Paul and Kyle were sweet enough to pack our lunch while we were at the church. We took the subway into Manhattan. Kyler of course loves to ride it. Kyler and Abigail had a great time playing and climbing rocks at the park.
Next it was back on the subway and on to the Empire State building for Kyler and me. I'm so glad we did this. It was amazing to be 86 stories up and able to look all over NY. Kyler said he was the tallest 7 yr. old in the world today. :)
One of our goals has been to ride a taxi and right when we stepped out of the ESB there was a taxi letting some folks off so we quickly asked if we could get a ride to Times Square (by far Kyler's favorite spot in NYC). We've been three times in 3 days! Off we went from the Empire State Building to Times Square by Taxi. We both thought we were really cool!
We ate some NY pizza for dinner, and by this time both of us were worn out so we hopped on the subway for Brooklyn. I'll post some more pics of everything.

Today our plan is to go to Coney Island to the beach and have a hot dog at the famous Nathan's Hot Dogs. Then this afternoon we will come back and meet with some friends at Paul and Kyle's appartment for church. I'm a part of a network of house churches in Raleigh and these guys meet as a house church here as well. We will eat together, hang out, worship, share some scripture, and pray for one another. Here's a link that tells more about "House Church" if you're interested.

Once again we'll keep you posted! Thanks for posting comments. Kyler reads all of them and gets a big smile on his face. Enjoy the pics!!